Current Issue

September 25, 2024 | Volume 42. No. 7

‘Moving Together’ at Convention and in the year ahead

Welcome to our annual Convention issue, packed with information about all the speakers, workshops, and union business that was accomplished in Syracuse September 15-18!  Nearly 600 delegates attended, and I heard from many of them how pleased they were with this year’s event. I’d like to thank Convention Committee Chair and Vice President Darlene Williams, as well as the entire Convention Committee and all the PEF staff who worked very hard to make sure delegates could accomplish their work and have a good time.

Keynote speaker Mark Richard, who has been in the room with me for all four PEF contracts I’ve negotiated as president, was a big hit, as was New York State Department of Civil Service Commissioner Timothy Hogues, who was gracious enough to spend an extra half hour answering delegate questions following his remarks.

The delegation considered 16 resolutions during the two-and-a-half-day Convention. The most pertinent for all members was a rejection of a proposed dues increase. PEF dues will remain at just 0.9% of your paycheck.

I attended every breakfast, workshop, and luncheon I could, including the annual Health & Safety BreakfastVeterans’ and Nurses’ Luncheons, and this year,  a Multi-Cultural Showcase put on by our Jewish, Indo-American, and Caribbean Committees, as well as the PEF Black Caucus. It is an honor to lead such a diverse and talented group of professionals.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t add that our Convention rules leave room for hundreds more delegates, so if you’re curious and want to get involved, pay attention to your personal email in the spring of 2025 for all the information about how to petition to become a delegate. It really is quite easy to get involved and make a difference in the future of your union. The 2025 Convention will be held in Lake Placid, N.Y., from Oct. 19-22, 2025. I’d love to see you there!

In Solidarity,
Wayne Spence

President Wayne Spence WAYNE SPENCE

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