Current Issue

November 27, 2024 | Volume 42. No. 9

Giving thanks, giving back, and never giving up

Hello PEF family! The November issue of The Communicator arrives just a day before I hope you will be enjoying well-earned time with family and friends, celebrating your blessings.  

I’m thankful for your solidarity and support every day in this job, but in the spirit of Thanksgiving, we look back on 10 things your union did for – and with – you this past year.  

 There are also some great stories in this issue about PEF members who exhibited the highest degree of professionalism, and members who are stepping up to provide leadership at worksites that really need it. 

Earlier this month, I led a team of PEF leaders and staff to the annual Somos conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where we gave presentations about saving SUNY Downstate and what to do about the rise of workplace violence at New York agencies. Both of those issues are top priorities of the union as we move into the new year. 

Before we ring in 2025, though, there’s still work to be done. Hundreds of bills await the governor’s signature or veto, including two PEF priorities. If you haven’t yet signaled your support for the LOADinG Act that would regulate Artificial Intelligence, and the PEF bill that would help define workplace bullying and mandate employer and employee training, please do so. 

Finally, a quick word about this month’s election. I want to reiterate what I said in my statement after the votes were counted: “Now, more than ever, we must come together, setting aside divisions, to ensure that our voices are heard, and our work continues to make a meaningful impact. PEF has always been a union rooted in unity and resilience, rising above political tides to fight for fair wages, safe workplaces, and the resources our members deserve.”   

I really mean that, and I look forward to the progress we will make together on behalf of all PEF members. 

President Wayne Spence Wayne Spence / PEF President

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