of T-shirts. PEF President Wayne Spence, state Sen. John Brooks and Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages helped.
October 2017 — PEF President Wayne Spence knows firsthand what it is like to survive the wrath of Mother Nature. On October 29, 2012, Super Storm Sandy made his home and neighborhood uninhabitable. Six feet of water stood in his house, and his neighbor’s green Jeep Grand Cherokee was totally submerged. Spence applauded the work of PEF members from various state agencies such as the Department of Transportation, Department of Environmental Conservation, Health Department, PEF nurses, the Department of Financial Services, parole officers and hundreds of PEF volunteers who came to rescue, help and rebuild. When Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria left a similar path of destruction, Spence initiated a PEF Relief Fund to help victims in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico.
“I am very aware of how our PEF members always step up to the plate when a disaster occurs and how they help others and communities with their areas of expertise,” said Spence. I want to thank members who helped financially or gave of their time, just as Bill Bloodgood did. I know many other PEF members played an integral role in helping the victims of these hurricanes, and who will help revive their communities. From the men and women who work at the state Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services who organized rescue teams and those at other state agencies, to our members in the National Guard and individuals, active or retired, I commend your sense of duty. Your actions make PEF a proud union.”