Team PEF with Governor Kathy Hochul at the State of the State address -- L to R i o: R8 Coordinator Danielle Bridger, Legislative Dir. Patrick Lyons, Gov. Hochul, President Spence, PEF Political Dir. Leah Gonzalez, Chief of Staff Chris Leo.
Team PEF with Governor Kathy Hochul at the State of the State address on Jan. 10 in Albany. Left to right: R8 Coordinator Danielle Bridger, Legislative Dir. Patrick Lyons, Gov. Hochul, President Spence, PEF Political Dir. Leah Gonzalez, Chief of Staff Chris Leo.


PEF leaders are pictured with New York State Attorney General Tish James and Comptroller Tom DiNapoli NY.
PEF leaders are pictured with New York State Attorney General Tish James and Comptroller Tom DiNapoli at the State of the State address on Jan. 10 in Albany. Left to right: President Spence, James, Region 8 Coordinator Danielle Bridger, PEF Political Director Leah Gonzalez, PEF Legislative Director Patrick Lyons, PEF Chief of Staff Chris Leo, DiNapoli.


PEF leaders attend key State events as new legislative session begins
PEF leaders from the Dept. of Audit and Control attended the swearing-in of NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli on Jan. 8 in Albany. Left to right: Kelly Nadeau, DiNapoli, Catherine Dell’Angelo, and Region 8 Coordinator Danielle Bridger.