December 21, 2022 — The Rochester Labor Council recognized Region 3 and Coordinator Leisa Abraham for outstanding advocacy in political action at their annual awards dinner this month, highlighting PEF’s participation in Labor Day parades and labor walks.

“It’s really the members who turned out that deserve the recognition,” said Abraham. “Our members are becoming educated and realize we have to show up because the more participation we have the more power we have.”
More than 50 members and their families marched in regional parades, participated in three labor walks and knocked on doors to get out the vote for PEF-endorsed candidates. Being out and vocal in the community shows local legislators that PEF is part of the reason they are getting elected.
“We give them the information they need to do their jobs,” Abraham said. “We have a good relationship with both our Democrat and our Republican legislators.”
The union’s involvement in political and legislative action is critical to enact laws and implement policies that impact the terms and conditions of PEF members’ employment, health benefits, and retirement benefits, as well as support the services PEF members provide New Yorkers.
To get involved in PEF’s political action wherever you work in the State, click here.