Wants PEF parole lobby day

To the Editor:  Why is PEF not having a lobby day for parole officers?  This is outrageous that nothing has been done to stop Less Is More.


Editor’s Note:  PEF is lobbying intensively (https://communicator.pef.org/issue/volume-39-no-8/pef-was-a-strong-foe-of-less-is-more-legislation/) to educate state leaders and the public about the serious problems related to Less is More. We held rallies in late 2021 in New York City and Rochester and more recently in April 2022 members of PEF Division 236 were in Albany to lobby legislators during the annual conference held by the New York State Association of Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus. We have introduced a bill in both houses of the state legislature to address the more onerous issues associated with the law. With just a few weeks left in the legislative session, members are encouraged to visit PEF’s website and send a letter to their lawmakers about why Less is More is a bad law.

When do we get our money?

To the Editor:  Do you know when PEF members will get longevity payments for 2022?


Editor’s note:  Checks with performance awards and advances will be dated April 21 for members on the state’s Institution payroll and April 27 for those on the Administrative payroll.  Coming paychecks will also include 2022 across-the-board raises.  See our story in this issue for details