The PEF Black Caucus held a “meet and greet” event for its members and their guests at PEF’s 44th Annual Convention in Niagara Falls last month.
The group took advantage of the occasion to have PEF President Wayne Spence administer the oath of office to the caucus’ officers who were elected earlier in the year.
Caucus President Carrie Saunders told of the group’s proud history that began in 1979, when the caucus was founded in the same year that PEF took over as the bargaining agent for New York state’s Professional, Scientific and Technical unit.
While the caucus’ Black members continue to be very active in it, Saunders said, “It’s no longer just for Blacks.” PEF members of other races are welcome to join the group, which relies on the dues its members’ pay to it, rather than on funding from the union. It also raises funds to award scholarships.
Saunders encouraged delegates and other PEF members to check out the caucus’ website at https://pefblackcaucus.org/. On the website you will see the caucus’ mission: “To detect and expose discriminatory practices with respect to hiring, dismissal, promoting or transferring employees within the PS&T bargaining unit.”