Current Issue
September 25, 2024 | Volume 42. No. 7
Table of Contents
- ‘Moving Together’ at Convention and in the year ahead
- ‘When we fight … we win!’ PEF is stronger than ever by ‘Moving Together’
- ‘Moving Together,’ delegates take on top union priorities and policies at 46th annual PEF Convention
- Keynote Speaker Mark Richard inspires
- Convention speakers, proud of PEF’s unity, share message of togetherness
- PEF Multi-Cultural Showcase highlights union’s diversity
- Project 2025 discussion highlights potential impact on PEF
- PEF Veterans’ Committee vows to leave no vets behind
- PEF nurses urged to heed AFT’s ‘Code Red’ initiative
- BEE involved in Health and Safety at your worksite
- Political allies address Convention delegates
- Delegates raise $3,000 for In My Father’s Kitchen
- Solidarity Forever is still a union classic over 110 years later
- Profiles of this year’s PEF Joseph Scacalossi Scholarship winners
- Division 234 announces scholarship winners
- Division 357 announces scholarship winners, new round application
- PEF leaders, staff remember those lost on 9/11
- PEF advocacy pays off as Governor signs union priorities into law
- PEF members hit the streets for Labor Day
- Do you want to be a union leader? Executive Board special elections resume in October
- PEF engages members and members engage fairgoers at New York State Fair
- Meet your newly elected VP, Trustees, and RCs
- Fun for PEF Families and Friends at Six Flags
- Michele Rosello named new chair of PEF Statewide Women’s Committee
- Region 3 shows off its PEF Pride in Rochester
- PEF Region 1 awards four $500 scholarships
- PEF member brings haunted past alive at State Capitol
- HEALTH NOTES: New York’s Surprise Bill Law provides protection for unexpected out-of-network billing
- Running a marathon in memory of member who died of leukemia and to support member battling blood disorder