February 18, 2025 —

Employee Spotlight: Vincent CicatelloYou are currently celebrating 25 years of NYS state service. 24 years which have been at BPC. Are there any words of advice you’d like to share with staff that might be just starting out? I remember being in NEOP in the summer of 2000, when the instructor had mentioned the great “career ladder” and at that point he called BPC/NYS “The land of opportunity”. Working hard, having a good attitude and being willing to make sacrifices, can pay off in the interim and certainly the long run. I encourage the newer staff to continue and further their education. Align yourself with extraordinary employees/co-workers. Doing so will help to theatrically open several doors and help to have employees promoted into good jobs and, a potentially rewarding and satisfying career.

What goals are you particularly proud of accomplishing while you have been at BPC? What goals are you still working towards now? Being the 1st BPC CMHN to take part in the Skilled Nursing Facilitator (SNF) initiative and getting that profound and extremely important program up and running and successful, felt like a huge accomplishment. There is so much satisfaction in seeing our patients who are in their senior years and/or are medically compromised, get the chance to be discharged into a nursing home setting where they can live out their lives in a more accommodating and less restrictive environment, while having an opportunity to pass away with dignity. Now, my main goal is to be a good influence on all staff and I hope that I can guide the newer employees to better their self and their careers. I try to be accessible and to share my knowledge that I have with them.

What have you learned during your time here that as had the biggest impact on your personal and professional growth? I have been influenced by the leadership of some of past BPC greats (Paul Shea, Linda Fonti, Jimmy Jacobs, Rudy Dawkins and some that are still currently working here. However, I won’t reveal that until they retire. I, to this day, keep my eyes and ears open and gravitate to the employees/ leaders, which can be both new employees or veterans who bring a hardworking and at times a unique approach to how they perform their duties and conduct themselves on a day-to-day basis. Because of this, I have appreciated the journey and have yearned to better my career and professional development. Sometimes all it takes is to have a person(s) believe in you and realize your true potential. Of course, that and hard work together, can give you the opportunity to put yourself in position to climb that “career ladder”.

What do you like best about your work? Simple, the people. Of all the jobs/positions that I have held at BPC, the ones I remember and appreciate the most are being a unit based MHTA (6 years) and a charge nurse (6 years). The teams/families I grew with on the inpatient setting and serving the patients provided the most satisfaction. I have learned so much about not only myself, but the many co-workers I was privileged to work with throughout the years. So many that were here with me when I began, have retired or passed away. I carry them with me to this day and always will. The impact that they had on me, I share with my co-workers, which I hope in turn, could be beneficial to the newer employees.

Where did you grow up? I grew up in the City of Buffalo’s RIVERSIDE section. A trueblue collar-working class town. It is one of the poorest and most diverse areas of the city. Because of that I always appreciated everything I had and could relate and communicate with folks from various backgrounds, morals, ideation and faith. I feel comfortable mostly with anyone and anywhere I travel because of this. I am proud to say where I am from and who I am. I believe my appreciation through my life and work span, has continued to be a motivating factor in bettering myself and my career.

Where did you go for your education? I went to Daemen College (now University) to obtain a B.S.N. in nursing. Prior to that I went to E.C.C. where I got 2 associate’s degrees in nursing and in recreational leadership.

Interests/hobbies have you developed over the years? My interests include, appreciating architect (Buffalo is loaded with great buildings and projects. Look no further than across the lawn). Educating myself and others about the history of anything that interests me. I love attending concerts and sporting events. I don’t have many hobbies, but I am an avid BILLS (NYS only NFL team), Sabres, Celtics, and NY Yankees fan. I also collect enamel pins (mostly horror).

What are you passionate about? I am passionate about my work and being a union leader for the Public Employees Federation. I am proud to say that I am the Co-Chair for the PEF Statewide Nurses Committee, Assistant Chair for OMH/PEF Labor Management, sit on the PEF Executive Board, Local Council Leader for PEF DIV.180, and perhaps the greatest achievement is in being named to the PEF Contract Team. I have so much pride in serving the PEF membership. I believe unions have a real positive impact on the employees and the workplace.

Family? I am 1 of 3 siblings (my brother who works for the BFLO Municipal Housing Authority and my sister Michele who also works at BPC on the MIT team). Hi Baby Chel! HAHA that’s what we called her in those early years. Man was she spoiled. I was raised by the greatest and most loving mother. She smiles and laughs almost every time I see her. The support that she gives is so meaningful. I have 2 children (Vinny Jr. and my daughter Stailea Autumn Cicatello who works here as a MHTA. I believe that Stailea will achieve greatness here or wherever her career path takes her.

When not working, what do you like to do? I enjoy nature and camping in the Adirondak’s. I also like to be home doing things around the house, occasionally cooking or relaxing. Sunday is for the BILLS!

Best vacation you’ve ever taken? My favorite place to vacation to is the North Shore in Massachusetts. Especially in October. I love Boston, Salem, Rockport, Cape Cod, Gloucester, Mass, and Maine. I have traveled to that area several times over the past 20+ years.

~Vincent Cicatello, Registered Nurse 2 – Community